Scandal at the TLC: ‘7 Little Johnstons’ Anna Johnston Exposes Fakery?
7 Little Johnstons cast member Anna Johnston recently spilled tea on alleged production meddling in their scenes. So, what did Anna have to say about it, and what kind of influence did production have?
7 Little Johnstons: TLC Production Influencing Scenes?
Veteran TLC fans know that no matter what TLC show you’re talking about, production meddling is always a regular topic among fans. With shows like 7 Little Johnstons, even though it’s technically “reality TV,” what they shoot and what makes it on the air can often be two completely different things.
When the production crew for 7 Little Johnstons is satisfied with the footage they get, it’s still up to the editors to piece together the narrative in whichever way they see fit. Often, this involves highlighting certain aspects to maximize drama and keep people tuning in.

Anna Johnston Exposes TLC Meddling?
7 Little Johnstons fans following Anna Johnston may have noticed that she has been going live a lot online. This is a chance for her to interact with her followers. Often, this also gives viewers the opportunity to interact with her and ask her questions.
However, based on what Anna recently talked about, it looks like she exposed some obvious TLC meddling and interference. So, what did Anna have to say about everything that went down?
The topic of ramen noodles came up. According to Anna, she told her 7 Little Johnstons followers that she doesn’t eat ramen noodles “like that.” This is in reference to scenes where Anna was making ramen noodles on-camera, where she purposely said she overcooked them.
Trent Johnston was building Anna’s “coffee stand” in those scenes. Anna told TLC cameras that she cooked the noodles longer on purpose so that Trent would be done with her table, rather than having him eat and leave before he was finished. However, the way Anna tells it, there was more to that scene.

7 Little Johnstons: Anna Johnston Exposes TLC Interference?
In addition to telling her 7 Little Johnstons followers that she doesn’t eat ramen noodles overcooked like that, Anna Johnston also said “That was the film crew making me eat them like that!”
It’s certainly possible that production encouraged Anna Johnston to purposely overcook the ramen noodles so that they could get the shots and the narrative to complete the scene. It’s also possible that Anna could be bad at making noodles and is throwing production under the bus.
However, if there’s even a shred of truth to this idea that the 7 Little Johnstons crew encouraged Anna to purposely overcook the noodles in order to give them the scene they needed, it certainly begs the question of, what other scenes are they influencing in this subtle manner? As well as, how much of what viewers see in the final cut is the result of these types of production directions?

Just like the bowl of overcooked ramen noodles, this is certainly something for 7 Little Johnstons fans to chew on as Season 14 of the TLC show continues.
For all the latest 7 Little Johnstons news, come back again to TV Shows Ace for more.