Mama June

NEWS: Ella Efird Reveals Shocking Truth About Daddy Josh – From the Mouths of Babes | Is Pumpkin involved?

Ella Efird - Josh Efird Youtube

Despite being just four years old, Ella Efird is seemingly well aware of the fact that her mother Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon, and her father Joshua are in a bit of a financial crisis. In fact, the four-year-old savagely roasted her father while her mother was on TikTok Live toward the end of last week. Ella’s savage roast of her father Josh was screen recorded by fans of Mama June: From Not To Hot and shared on Reddit. The brutal honesty of little Ella left fans ROLLING. What exactly did she say about her father? Keep reading for the details.

Ella Efird - Youtube

Ella Efird savagely roasts her father, Joshua

During a recent TikTok Live stream, Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon was doing what she could to get donations from fans. Turns out, her husband Joshua was NOT happy about it. So much so that he told his wife to give the money back while storming off. Pumpkin proceeded to explain that Joshua does work, but he’s also well aware of the fact that his family needs help. Unfortunately, his pride and ego just get in the way of asking for help.

He wants the help [from people] but, like, he’s very private and he’s like, ‘It’s our business.’ He doesn’t want to make it seem like he can’t do it.

Their daughter Ella chimed into the conversation exclaiming that her father Joshua “can’t” several times. The video was shared on the Reddit thread down below:


Mama June: From Not To Hot admit they were absolutely tickled to hear Ella roast her father for not being able to take care of the while Pumpkin was live streaming on TikTok. Other fans admitted it was a bit sad their four-year-old was that aware of their financial issues. Here’s some of what other fans said on the Reddit thread:

  • “From the mouths of babes.”
  • “Big difference between can’t and won’t.”
  • “Do they really not work outside of the show? I was hoping Josh had a job and just didn’t talk about it. Do you really think they don’t have enough money or just spend beyond their means?”
  • Josh Efird/YouTube

Many fans take issue with the family constantly going on trips, eating fast food, and sporting new tattoos while crying that they don’t have enough money for the basic needs of their children. Some fans argue that, perhaps, Pumpkin and Joshua should stop having children and get their life together first.

Josh Efird/Pumpkin/YouTube

Do you think Ella Efird knew what she was talking about when she chimed into the conversation? Is she that aware of her family’s financial struggles at the age of four? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for more news on Mama June and her family.

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