Mama June

‘Mama June’ Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Faces Serious Health Issues: Details About the Upcoming Surgery.

“I ain’t down with all that squatin’ and sprintin’! Just slice it off!”

Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson is reportedly preparing to go under the knife for weight loss surgery next month, but the WEtv reality star made it clear that she’s still not 100 percent sure she wants to go through with it.

Alana’s manager, Gina Rodriguez, told TMZ that the Mama June: Road to Redemption star was planning to have a suture sculpt endoscopic sleeve from weight loss doctor Steven Batash.

In a follow-up interview with Entertainment Tonight, though, Alana clarified that the surgery is “still in the works.” It appears that her manager jumped the gun a bit by telling TMZ that Alana had made her decision on whether or not to have the weight loss surgery.

“It’s not 100 percent yet,” Alana told the site. (She added that her aunt, Doe Doe Shannon, recently had the procedure done.) “I just want to make sure that this is actually something that I want to do, before I just go and do it. I want to make sure that it’s, like, not something that’s gonna kill me or nothing!”

“She’s still very skeptical about it,” Alana’s older sister and legal guardian, Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon added later.

“It’s them putting me to sleep for me,” Alana said. “Like, what if I don’t get waked up? What if something goes wrong?”

Pumpkin— who now has three babies and a toddler— trying not to look jealous about Alana getting to sleep on the operating table…

When asked by ET‘s reporter why she is considering having a weight loss surgery, Alana explained that surgery is a much-easier weight loss solution than changing her diet and exercising.

“I just think I don’t have no motivation, and I just think the surgery would probably be the easiest way to lose it fast,” Alana said, adding later, “I know for a fact that I could get in the gym, and I know for a fact I could diet…”

“Have you been doing those things?” the reporter asks.

“I have tried. I will say I have tried,” Alana responded.

“I done walked ’round the block and didn’t lose no weight. I’m DONE, y’all!”

“But the one thing with me is I have no motivation. I have no motivation to just keep going to the gym every day. I have no motivation to keep eating healthy because, like, I’m gonna eat what I think is good. I ain’t gonna sit here and force myself to eat no Caesar salad because I think it’s healthy. I’m gonna eat what I think is good.

Pumpkin— who has to sign off on Alana having the surgery because she is still a minor— thinks that Alana needs to change her ways before going under the knife or the surgery won’t be successful.

“Before she takes that big step she needs to go ahead and start making the lifestyle changes,” Pumpkin said, adding that the women in their family who have had weight loss surgeries have not been able to keep the weight off long-term. “Because I know it’s a lot easier to be like, ‘OK, let me go out to California and let me get my stomach chopped off.

“We’ve seen it now with two people— my mom [Mama June Shannon] and [our sister] Jessica—they both quickly gained their weight back…You may not gain it back in your stomach but everywhere else starts to blow up– your hips, your legs, your chest, your face.”


“If I do go through with the surgery, I think then I would be willing to change my lifestyle,” Alana said. “My manager told me that you basically lose 100 lbs., basically instant.”

Alana stated that she wants to be around 145 lbs. when it’s all finished, but not “super skinny.”

Pumpkin then looks at the reporter (who appears to weigh no more than 105 lbs. soaking wet) and says, “I mean, that is super skinny! 145?!”

“I don’t want to be like, 110,” Alana said. “No no, I definitely don’t want to be that.”

“I feel attacked.”

In addition to her dislike of “healthy” food like Caesar salad, Alana also points to being sick as a child as a reason she has battled her weight.

“When I was very young I was on steroids. I was very sick all the time and I just always had to take medication,” she said. “I was always a bigger kid anyway because of that. Then my mom claims she has this thing called Lymphedema. It supposedly makes her have some fat on her body. That could be possible.”

That face you make when your sister is blaming everything else for her childhood weight issues EXCEPT for the fact that your Mama fed you guys pasta with ketchup and Go-Go Juice…

Alana also acknowledged that her love of food has gotten her to her current weight of 275 lbs.

“I mean, I definitely do eat so that’s definitely a reason,” she said.

Alana’s boyfriend, Dralin Carswell is planning to weight loss surgery alongside of Alana. Although Alana is still unsure, she said that Dralin is “all in” to go under the knife.

“I’m so nervous about the pain,” Alana said. “Me and pain are not good.”

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