Mama June

Hot News: Honey Boo Boo Threatens to Sue Mama June: Family Secrets Exposed!

Could Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson be taking Mama June Shannon to court? If her momma doesn’t cough up the money she allegedly stole, that could be the case!

During the new episode of Mama June: Family Crisis on Friday, the family sat down to discuss the 18-year-old reality star’s plan to move to Colorado with her boyfriend, Dralin Carswell, for college. That is when the topic of money came up, and all hell broke loose! Mama June revealed Alana only had $33,000 in her Coogan account, a trust in which parents of child stars are legally obligated to deposit a percentage of their earnings. The problem? The amount is way less than she and Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird expected. In fact, the teen explained that “there should at least be six figures in that account” from her gigs on reality television! What?! Where did the rest of the money go? Alana certainly wants to know…

But we eventually find out what happened. It soon came to light that Mama June took a lot of money out of her Coogan account! Naturally, Alana and Lauryn were not happy with their mother! What made the situation worse? While getting grilled by her daughters about the matter, the 44-year-old television personality could not get her story straight about how she spent the cash. She first claimed that 50 percent of Alana’s income was taken for taxes. However, Lauryn was not buying that explanation! As she argued:

Honey Boo Boo Threatens To Take Legal Action Against Mama June For Allegedly ‘Stealing’ Her Reality TV Earnings!

Honey Boo Boo Threatens To Take Legal Action Against Mama June For ‘Stealing’ Her Reality TV Earnings!

Could Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson be taking Mama June Shannon to court? If her momma doesn’t cough up the money she allegedly stole, that could be the case!

During the new episode of Mama June: Family Crisis on Friday, the family sat down to discuss the 18-year-old reality star’s plan to move to Colorado with her boyfriend, Dralin Carswell, for college. That is when the topic of money came up, and all hell broke loose! Mama June revealed Alana only had $33,000 in her Coogan account, a trust in which parents of child stars are legally obligated to deposit a percentage of their earnings. The problem? The amount is way less than she and Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird expected. In fact, the teen explained that “there should at least be six figures in that account” from her gigs on reality television! What?! Where did the rest of the money go? Alana certainly wants to know

But we eventually find out what happened. It soon came to light that Mama June took a lot of money out of her Coogan account! Naturally, Alana and Lauryn were not happy with their mother! What made the situation worse? While getting grilled by her daughters about the matter, the 44-year-old television personality could not get her story straight about how she spent the cash. She first claimed that 50 percent of Alana’s income was taken for taxes. However, Lauryn was not buying that explanation! As she argued:

“I’m no tax person, but I know good and well no state is taking 50 percent worth of taxes out of every check.”

Then Mama June blamed it on Alana! She claimed that she occasionally used the money to pay for things like travel, hair appointments, nail appointments, and other necessities for the teenager:

“You have been taking care of your own self, paying your own bills since you were the age of 12. And you’ve been doing a good job of it.”

However, Alana shut her down. She fired back:

“From my perspective, I didn’t spend anything of that money. You spent that money on what you wanted to do with it because I didn’t have no say-so on where that money went.”

What does Alana really think happened, though? She believes Mama June spent the money while she was struggling with substance abuse. Oof. The Mama June: From Not to Hot alum wouldn’t answer whether that was the case — though she went on to confess she spent $150,000 of her daughter’s funds to purchase a home. Whoa…

Of course, the more Mama Jun talked the more Lauryn and Alana got angry. The mom tried to argue that her kids knew how much was spent on the account. Pumpkin slammed June, though, saying they were always “under the impression that 100 percent of that went in there.” She went on to claim that their mother was “smart” because she knew to deposit “the bare minimum” into Alana’s account that was “legally right and then pocketed the rest, Lord knows what she did or where it went,” adding:

“I honestly did not think she could stoop that low.”

It is pretty messed up! At one point, Alana breaks down in tears when she realizes, that without the money, she doesn’t know how she will pay for her college education. Ugh. She yells at Mama June, saying:

“You don’t really give a f**k that you took our money, that’s the real problem here. That’s the problem.”

When the girls continued to press Mama June about the matter, she eventually came clean. She admitted she spent 80 percent of Alana’s past earnings and left only 20 percent for Alana. OMG! Lauryn, shocked, said in response:

“I don’t get what you were even paying for, other than drugs.”

As for Alana? She understandably had enough. She threatened that if doesn’t get “paid back” soon, she will take Mama June to “court” because “you ain’t fitting to just get away with stealing my money, baby.” Uh oh! Things are getting intense with the family!

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