Heartbreaking News: Latest Update on the Battle for Custody of Anna Cardwell’s Daughter Kaitlyn – It’s Worse Than You Can Imagine! [EXCLUSIVE]

Mama June Shannon has stayed (surprisingly) quiet regarding her recent court battle against Michael Cardwell for custody of Anna Cardwell‘s eldest daughter Kaitlyn, but the WEtv star– as well as Michael’s fiancé London Smith— recently took to social media to discuss the case, and seemingly reveal the outcome.
Although the case is still listed as “active” on the county court’s website, no new information has been released since July, when the custody hearing began. London finally opened up about the case, revealing that Michael was not awarded custody of Kaitlyn.
As The Ashley previously reported, Michael–who is Kaitlyn’s former stepdad— immediately filed for custody of Kaitlyn after her mom Anna’s death in December. Michael stated that he has been in Kaitlyn’s life since she was a baby, and is already raising her half-sister Kylee, whom Michael shared with Anna. Shortly after Michael filed for custody, June also filed. Kaitlyn has been staying with June since Anna’s death.
London– who is set to marry Michael later this month– took to Facebook to dispel several rumors circulating— including one stating that she and Michael were not allowing Kylee to see Kaitlyn. (June’s daughter Alana Thompson had previously proclaimed this on social media back in July.)
Interestingly, June herself jumped into the post’s comment section to give her thoughts.

London denied that she and Michael are keeping Kylee and Kaitlyn apart.
“I’ve been talked bad about for not speaking about the allegation being made that me and Michael aren’t allowing Michael’s youngest to see Kaitlyn…everyone that thinks that is dead wrong,” London wrote.
She then basically revealed that Michael was not successful in his fight to get custody of Kaitlyn.
“Our family just went through a life changing event,” London wrote. “My fiancé lost a child he calls his and raised for 11 years. My fiancés mother and father lost a granddaughter that they have loved and made memories with for 11 years.
“We have not responded to anything for the simple fact of trying to stay out of all the drama and we have never believed it’s any of the media’s business what we do or what we say,” she wrote, adding that several other rumors floating around social media are also false. (One such rumor stated that Anna’s widower, Elridge Toney, had been working with Michael and London to get Kaitlyn to see them without June knowing. London denied the rumor, which had been posted to Reddit and TikTok.)
She then revealed that Kaitlyn and Kylee are able to communicate with each other now, unlike a few months ago when London reported that the sisters weren’t able to speak much.
“The sisters also call and FaceTime each other all the time now, not that it’s any of y’all business lol, but there you go,” she wrote.
June then popped into the comment section to confirm that Kaitlyn and Kylee do, indeed, have access to each other now.
“I’m glad that now Kylee is able to talk to both side of the family just like Kaitlyn has been able too,” June wrote.
London confirmed in the comment section that she and Michael are trying to work with June and her family so that the girls can have a relationship. However, Michael’s mother wrote in the comment section that her family’s life “has been completely turned upside down” by the loss of Kaitlyn, whom they consider to be family.
(While Michael is not the biological father of Kaitlyn, he has been in her life since she was eight months old. Following his divorce from Anna in 2017, Michael would still take both girls— not just Kylee– during his custodial visits.)
It is unknown at this time if Michael was given any sort of visitation with Kaitlyn.